
Stuffed artichokes

Serves Four:

4 fresh artichokes

4 tsps home made breadcrumbs

2 tbs grated cheese, anything you have in the fridge will do. Parmesan, caciocavallo or pecorino for a sharper flavor

2 tsp pine nuts

2 tsp black sultanas

1 garlic clove, finely crushed

1 tbs parsley, finely chopped

1 lemon, quartered in a bowl with water

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sea Salt to taste


Start by chopping off the harder top part of the leaves and remove outer leaves, usually a couple of rounds, breaking them off where soft. Wipe with the lemon and cover with water and lemon in a bowl until ready to use.

Now, mix the breadcrumbs with all the ingredients, moisten with 1 tbs of olive oil and sea salt to taste.

You are now ready to stuff the artichokes. Drain and shake off excess water, open the heart of the artichoke season with a pinch of sea saltand stuff with 2 tsps of the filling.

Place all the filled artichokes in a stockpot just large enough to contain them, add about 2 cm of water and drizzle with more olive oil.

Cook with a lid over medium heat until artichokes are soft, 10-15 minutes depending on size.

We cook and top these wonderful artichokes with our own RAVIDA ‘house blend’ and sea salt.

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